and a different pre-trib rapture view
To the Church,
the Body of Christ, of which I am most grateful to be a part.
The 7th Trumpet heralds a period that isn't over until Rev. 20:15, after the Last Judgment.
What John records in Revelation 11:15-19 concerning the 7th Trumpet and what it heralds is expounded in chapters 12-20. For a chapter by chapter survey of this period, see DETAILS OF THE PERIOD HERALDED BY THE SEVENTH TRUMPET, in my OUTLINE OF THE REVELATION (also found under MORE in the menu). Following is that brief overview John recorded of this period, from Revelation 11 (and note the BOLD):​
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
17 Saying, We give Thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, AND THE TIME OF THE DEAD, THAT THEY SHOULD BE JUDGED, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; AND SHOULDEST DESTROY THEM WHICH DESTROY THE EARTH.
19 And the temple of God was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
One of the reasons for my present proposition is to reinforce that the period of time heralded by the 7th Trumpet extends well beyond Daniel's 70th Week. It will also include what John sees from this time through the Last Judgment, as reflected above, especially by the words in bold. The account of this judgment is in Revelation 20:11-15.
Regarding Daniel's 70th Week, this will be brought to a close at the time (meaning, on the day!) of Christ's Second Advent and the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist, the false prophet, and their followers will then meet their doom (Rev. 19:19-21). Following this, as John records in Revelation 20:1-6, "the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan" will be bound for a thousand years, during which time Christ will literally reign upon this earth from Jerusalem as the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.
At the beginning of Christ's reign, those who remain of the Gentile nations will be gathered to be judged (see Matt. 25:31-46). While it may appear that this judgment will be based solely upon one's treatment of Christ's "brethren" (Matt. 25:40) during Daniel's 70th Week, remember this: genuine good will towards others, or the lack thereof, goes much deeper than such works and is merely reflective of what is within one's heart. And be sure, Christ knows His hearts! Those from this judgment who are found to be saved will receive the blessing of being able to take part in Christ's Kingdom with the rest of the saved. Those who are not will be separated into Hell. From this time and throughout Christ's thousand year reign, conditions upon this earth will be radically changed. Even Solomon's kingdom at its height was only a shadow of Christ's Kingdom.
There are many prophecies that both indicate and bear clues to the nature of Christ's Millennial Kingdom and the conditions that will prevail upon the earth during that time. Consider the following:
Under Christ's worldwide government, righteousness will prevail, and all war will cease (Isa. 2:2-4; Isa. 24:21-23; Dan. 7:13-14; Zech. 14:16-21; and I Cor. 15:24-26).
God's covenant promises to the Israelite nation will be fulfilled (Jer. 23:3-8; Ezek. 20:40-44; Ezek. 34:23-31; Ezek. 36:21-38; Ezek. 37:15-28; and Amos 9:11-15).
It will be an era or age of unparalleled prosperity for God's people and praise toward God (Isa. 25:6-9; Isa. 26:1-9; Isa. 66:10-14; Micah 4:1-4; and I Cor. 2:9-10).
Conditions upon most of the earth will become a paradise (Isa. 35:1-10; Isa. 51:1-3; Isa. 55:12-13; Ezek. 47:1-12; Zech. 14:6-11; and Rom. 8:19-21).
The land of Israel, and especially Zion/Jerusalem, will be particularly blessed (Isa. 1:25-27; Isa. 60:1-22; Isa. 62:1-12; Ezek. 36:8-15; Joel 3:16-21; Zeph. 3:14-20; and Zech. 8:3-8).
Christians will join Christ in the government of the earth and experience great prosperity (Dan. 7:18, 27; Matt. 19:27-30; I Cor. 6:2; Rev. 1:5-6; and Rev. 20:4-6).
There are other prophecies of this time, some easier to distinguish, some not so easy. As would be expected, there will be another temple in Jerusalem, of which Ezekiel 40-48 seems to be a prophecy (note especially 43:1-7 and 48:35). There are indications that the lands of Israel's former enemies will remain desolate (Zeph. 2:4-15 and Joel 3:18-21). And, one of the most beloved prophecies is that of the serenity that will exist upon the earth, especially in connection with the animal kingdom (Isa. 11:6-9 and 65:25). Christ's Millennial Kingdom will certainly be the Kingdom of kingdoms!
But, the close of Christ's Millennial Kingdom does not finish the period heralded by the 7th Trumpet---not completely. This is another reason for my present proposition. As it states, the period heralded by the 7th Trumpet isn't over until after the Last Judgment. It is hoped that a keen realization of this will add more meaning for the reader to my final proposition, especially for that one who may not be saved or may not be sure.